Getting a Library Card

library stff member holding up the new library card designs

If you live in the city of Huntington, Huntington Township, or the town of Markle, you qualify for a library card at no extra cost. Those who live outside these areas can purchase one for $108.50/year.

Signing a Huntington City-Township Public Library card denotes acceptance of responsibility for all fines and fees and for payment for lost or damaged materials. Patrons are advised to contact us to report a lost or stolen library card, as failure to do so holds the patron responsible for any fines and fees incurred by a lost or stolen library card.

Registering a minor for a Huntington City-Township Public Library card denotes an acknowledgement and understanding by the parent or guardian that the library owns and circulates rated and unrated videos, DVDs and television series that may be geared toward a more mature audience. A minor child will have access to materials for both adults and children and will be able to check out any of these materials. Parents or guardians have sole responsibility for helping their child select age-appropriate materials.

Proper Identification must be presented to apply for a Huntington City-Township/Markle Public Library card. Proper Identification is any one of the following:

  • A valid Indiana Driver’s License which displays a current address
  • A valid Indiana State ID which displays a current address
  • A current government issued Photo ID

If your above ID does not have your current address, please present one of the following to prove residency:

  • Valid voter registration card
  • Valid current government issued ID (such as a military ID, a passport, etc.)
  • Bank statement issued within the past thirty (30) days
  • Utility bill issued within the past thirty (30) days
  • Property Tax receipt

Types of cards

We have a few types of library cards, depending on where you live or your age:

Adult Resident Card

  • Who qualifies: All adults who live inside our service areas
  • Access restrictions: None
  • Renewal period: 3 years

Youth Resident Card

  • Who qualifies: All residents under the age of 18 who live inside our service areas
  • Access restrictions: Cannot borrow Library of Things
  • Renewal period: 3 years
  • Other information: Legal guardian must be present, with photo ID and proof of address, to renew card

Non-resident Card

  • Who qualifies: Anyone who lives outside our service areas
  • Access restrictions: Same as above
  • Renewal period: 1 year
  • Other information: Cards follow the age requirements listed for resident cards; $108.50/year to renew