Library Opens Sensory Room

Library Opens Sensory Room Designed for individuals with sensory disorders, autism, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, the sensory room at Huntington City-Township Public Library opened for public use on Dec. 4, 2023. This room was funded in part by a grant from the Community Foundation of Huntington County and the AWS Foundation of Fort Wayne, and … Read more

Library seeks input on accessible outdoor project

Answer a few questions on our survey to provide your thoughts. Through the “Libraries Transforming Communities” program, offered by the American Library Association, the Huntington City-Township Public Library has received $10,000 in grant funding for an accessible outdoor space. Part of this grant process involves asking community members for their input on what they’d like … Read more

Library receives $10K in grant funding

Library receives $10K in grant funding Through the “Libraries Transforming Communities” program, offered by the American Library Association, the Huntington City-Township Public Library has received $10,000 in grant funding. From the official ALA press release, “The American Library Association (ALA)…announced the first recipients of its Libraries Transforming Communities (LTC): Accessible Small and Rural Communities grants, an initiative … Read more

National Braille Literacy Month

January is National Braille Literacy Month. Louis Braille, creator of the braille system, was born January 4, 1809. If you’re interested in learning more about braille or are looking for resources on this particular path to literacy, check out these 10 titles and more, on the shelves at your library! Who Was Louis Braille? by … Read more

HCTPL uses grant funding for smartboards, self-checkout stations

Smartboards and new self-checkouts made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Indiana State Library and funding through the American Rescue Plan Act.

Accessing materials and collaborating with your peers has never been easier with the addition of three smartboards and two self-checkout stations at your library.

Last year, the Huntington City-Township Public Library received a $25,116.34 grant through the Indiana State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)  from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

These funds were designed to fill needs brought to light by the pandemic, and libraries were encouraged to use the funds for technology- and safety-related upgrades.

The library purchased two new self-checkout stations, allowing patrons to socially distance themselves from others and to check out books, movies and other items to their library card without having to interact directly with staff.

Also purchased were three smartboards, fully interactive whiteboards for streaming of lessons, videos and presentations, which increase ability for collaboration in the meeting rooms while maintaining safe social distancing practices.

This project would not have been possible without the ARPA-funded support of IMLS, the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums, inspiring these institutions to advance innovation, lifelong learning, and cultural and civic engagement.

Since their installation the new self-checkouts have been active and an overall success for patron use. Library staff is working on training and documentation for the smartboards and hope to have them available for public use soon.