Delivery Service

The Huntington and Markle libraries now offer delivery service. Once a month, library staff will deliver materials to your door matching your preferences. Whether mobility or transportation make it difficult for you to visit the library, or you’re practicing safe social distancing — the library is happy to come to you.

To participate, fill out the form below. For any questions, contact the Circulation Desk at 260-356-0824 or

    Your name:

    Library card #:

    Your address:

    Date of birth:

    Phone number:

    I am requesting:

    Temporary service date range:

    Please check the boxes below to acknowledge they were read.
    I agree to take responsibility for materials that are delivered to me. Standard late fines, lost item charges, and damage charges will apply to all delivered materials. If I have a change of address or will not be at home on the day of delivery, I will call the library. I agree to notify the library promptly if the service is no longer needed.
    Delivery Service is available only in the tax base of the Huntington City-Township Public Library, which includes Huntington City, Huntington Township, and the town of Markle.
    I understand library staff can't leave the requested items at the door, and will attempt to re-deliver only once.
    I understand that the library staff or volunteer assigned will be available only for scheduled visits to discuss reading selections and delivery of books. They will not provide assistance with activities of daily living or advice on personal matters. I recognize my patron records may be viewed by staff or volunteers for the purpose of selecting materials in order to supply a selection of reading/listening materials.

    Delivery Service Material Preferences

    Materials will be selected for you by library staff or volunteer. For an idea of the items you would like to receive please select a preference of media type(s) and as many subjects/genres that you enjoy. Check all that apply.

    Media Type

    Fiction Subjects

    Non-fiction Subjects

    List some favorite authors, series, or any preferred subjects/genres not listed above:

    I do *NOT* wish to receive materials that contain:

    List any hobbies/skills that we may use to pick items that may interest you: