Medicare 101

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

Learn the ins and outs of Medicare at this special presentation by Eric Horvath, representative from Humana MarketPoint, at 6 p.m. Monday, May 22. This is a free event. There will be time for questions after the presentation.


Morning Storytime

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

We're reading and rhyming with Ms. Jan and Ms. Malissa! Join us in the Plum Tree Storytime room every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for fun with songs, stories and let's not forget dancing. We can’t wait to see you! February 14: Visit with Bella the Therapy Dog after Storytime

Evening Storytime

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

Join Mr. Colin for 30 minutes full of stories mixed with movement. This family storytime is held every Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m., and is a great way for children to spend quality time with caregivers, siblings and friends while they learn in a fun environment!

LEGO® Club

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

Expand your creativity at LEGO® Club! Children and their caregivers are welcome to drop in the Discovery Lab from 4 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday at the Huntington Main Library for an hour of fun.

Anime-niacs Anime Club

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

Meet twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. to watch anime and socialize! Each month will focus on a different anime and we will be watching 2 episodes per meeting (4 episodes per month). All anime series will be rated TV-14 or below. January – Spy x Family ... Read more

History Book Club

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

History lovers unite on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. for a discussion of the monthly book club selection. Reserve a copy of the chosen title at the Reference Desk. May 24 title: The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu, Joshua Hammer

Thursday Night Adventures (Teen)

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

Teens can experience the thrills and escapades of Dungeons & Dragons every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Markle Storytime

Markle Branch Library 155 W Sparks St, Markle, IN, United States

The Markle Branch Library hosts a 30-minute family storytime weekly on Mondays starting at 6 p.m.! Join us in the library as we read books and sing songs and rhymes together.


Morning Storytime

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

We're reading and rhyming with Ms. Jan and Ms. Malissa! Join us in the Plum Tree Storytime room every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for fun with songs, stories and let's not forget dancing. We can’t wait to see you! February 14: Visit with Bella the Therapy Dog after Storytime

Evening Storytime

Huntington City-Township Public Library 255 W Park Dr, Huntington, IN, United States

Join Mr. Colin for 30 minutes full of stories mixed with movement. This family storytime is held every Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m., and is a great way for children to spend quality time with caregivers, siblings and friends while they learn in a fun environment!