We’re excited to announce that we’ve brought a much-requested feature to the Huntington and Markle libraries – autorenewals! Now, items will be renewed for you automatically before they reach their due date, without any work on your end.
How does it work? Three days before your items are due, you normally get a courtesy notice by email or SMS text (or both) that these items are due in three days. To renew them, you’d have to log into your account online, or bring them to the library to renew them in-person. Now, you’ll get a notice telling you that any items you have checked out (that are eligible for renewal) have been renewed for you, complete with your new due dates.
You’ll also get a notice alerting you of any items that could not be autorenewed. This would include anything you have out that has other patrons on hold for it, or if you’ve already renewed the item twice (the maximum number of times you can renew an item before it must be returned). You can still log into your account online and renew items manually (as long as they can be renewed), but this service will do the grunt work for you.
You new due dates will be however many days after your due date a fresh checkout period would be. So for example, a new book can be borrowed for two weeks. Three days before your book is due, it will be renewed for another two weeks after your due date.
The feature is live as we speak and requires no work from you to take effect. So sit back and enjoy the holidays without worrying about your soon-due library items!