Last week we let you know that we had a staff member test positive for COVID.
Today we discovered that we had another staff member test positive.
Due to the wider exposure within our staff we have decided that closing our Huntington location for 2 weeks is the safest course of action. This will allow us to quarantine all of the affected staff and to avoid exposing anyone else. We will also take this opportunity to deep clean all of our public areas to ensure that we will be safe when we reopen.
Our Huntington location will be closed starting on Tuesday November 3rd and we will reopen at 9am on Thursday November 19th.
Our Markle location will continue to be open for their regularly scheduled hours. We will have curbside service available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11am to 6pm. Please call 260-356-0824 for more information. You can also sign up for free delivery service at https://www.huntingtonpub.lib.in.us/delivery/
If you were in the Huntington library from October 26th to 31st, and interacted closely with any of our staff, we encourage you to monitor yourself for COVID symptoms. If you would like to be tested you can find a free testing site here: https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/2524.htm
We thank you for your patience as we work through this situation. We know that this is inconvenient, but the safety of our community is our top priority.