At their regular meeting on October 18th, the Board of Trustees of the Huntington City-Township Public Library made the decision to remove all mask requirements for patrons in our buildings.
Our staff will continue to wear masks while they are serving patrons and working in close proximity to each other.We continue to encourage our patrons to be mindful of safety while they are in our buildings. Face coverings are still strongly encouraged.
If you feel uncomfortable using library buildings while others are unmasked, we have several service options available.
- Delivery service will be available to anyone who has medical or mobility restrictions that prevent them from coming to the library. Sign up for delivery here https://www.huntingtonpub.lib.in.us/delivery/
- Curbside service is available to pick up materials during all open hours. You can request materials through our website or call us to have staff select materials for you.
- We have private study rooms and community rooms available for anyone to use.
Any questions or concerns regarding this policy can be addressed with the Board members directly or with the Library Director. Contact information can be found on our website at https://www.huntingtonpub.lib.in.us/library-board-of-trustees/